
Thursday, May 16, 2013

How To Hack Wifi and Crack its Password | Hacking Wifi | WEP + WPA

Written by: Pranshu Bajpai | Find Pranshu on Google+ And LinkedIn

I recently traveled to Delhi in order to collaborate with an information security firm there.

The place that I rented for my short stay demanded an extra amount if I wanted to access the Internet. That didn't go down with me too well. They were using WEP, WPA and WPA2 security in the different WiFi HotSpots that they were running.

WEP Cracking

No doubt, WEP is the easiest to crack.

Here's how to crack WEP:
#airmon-ng start wlan0

Notice that the monitor mode is enabled on mon1; take note of this. We will need this interface later on.

Start dumping data packets with airodump:

#airodump-ng mon1

You'll see all the Wifi hotspots available in your area. Here we see different security like WEP, WPA and WPA 2. As WEP is the easiest to crack, choose one with WEP security.

Also, it is important to note other information here as that will determine how easily you get into the WiFi:
  • The BSSID is the MAC address of the Wifi hotspot.
  • Pwr tells you about the signal strength.
  • Beacon signals are sent by the hotspot to indicate its presence.
  • Data is the actual packets that we are interested in. The more data packets we have, the more certain we are to crack the hotspot.
  • CH tells you the channel being used by the hotspot
Here I am testing something called 'BIPL'.

So I use airodump to focus on dumping packets from this paricular BSSID and store them in a file:
#airodump-ng -w wap -c 8 --bssid 14:D6:4D:A6:F6:69 mon1
-w specifies the file to write to, -c specifies the channel and you know what --bssid is for

Now packet capture starts, and we play the waiting game. Wait to collect enough packets before trying to crack the password. Usually, we wait till we grab around 20000 packets.

How long this takes depends on the traffic flow on that BSSID and your distance from the BSSID.

If it is taking too long to grab required number of packets, then you can use something called aireplay:
#aireplay-ng -b 14:D6:4D:A6:F6:69 -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 mon1
-b option is to specify the bssid
-h is to specify your hardware address

aireplay-ng will start generating bogus traffic, so that you can grab enough data packets fast.

Now that we have enough data packets (42445), we can start cracking the password.

#aircrack-ng wap-02.cap
This cap file is where we saved the captured packets:

After a while Aircrack-ng will give you the cracked password:

It turns out, the password is someone's cell phone number. I traced its location and it's based in Delhi. A bad practice to use personal information as password.

WPA Cracking

A detailed article on WPA / WPA2 cracking is here

WPA cracking can be a bit more uncertain and complicated.

One thing to remember while WPA Cracking, is that you need to grab the WPA handshake. Use airodump to dump packets from the target WPA network (just like in WEP) but wait until you see 'Captured WPA Handshare' (or something close to that) on the top right corner.

Then stop the packet capture.

Load up aircrack-ng and provide it the .cap file where the handshake is located (saved by airodump previously).

Also provide a wordlist to aircrack-ng. Remember this is a 'dictionary based' attack:

#aircrack-ng blah_blah.cap -w /root/dic/darkc0de.lst
Aircrack will try passwords from the dictionary file against the .cap file. This might take a long time to crack and success depends on the kind of dictionary file you are using and how strong the password is.

Another tool called 'Reaver' can be used for WPA cracking, if WPS is enabled.

Here's the sample use of reaver:
#reaver -i mon1 -a 94:D7:23:48:BE:78 -vv -c8

  • -i is for interface
  • -a "94.... " is the bssid of hotspot
  • -vv for verbose mode
  • -c to specify the channel

For details on WPA / WPA2 Cracking, Check out this article

Disclaimer: This post is merely to demonstrate the inherent risks involved in using outdated WiFi security. This test was done under simulated conditions and does not endorse public or private WiFi hacking.


  1. wifite my friend wifite combines them all ;-)

    1. I wouldn't recommend Wifite for someone trying to learn something. It automates everything and leaves you a perfect script kiddie.

  2. When i have enough packets how do i save the cap file? And after ive saved it i only need to tale aircracl and the file and it will find the wifi key?

  3. can u tell me plz what is IV ? why shall i have iv for cracking wep ?

    1. IV is the initialization vector which means it is a random value on which subsequent encryption depends. Read up on it online.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. this is nice but am kind alohow do you save .cap file.....

  6. thanks, your info was very helpful, this the farthest I have gotten by trying this for a long time........I am waiting for the password to show now

  7. my wifite has save a cap file, how do i find it?

    1. You can find it in the 'hs' folder in your home directory. If not, type this command: find -name *.cap

    2. Hey Pranshu, how are you?

      I have no doubt that your guidance can help me.

      First of all, forgive me by my approach type.

      I need to find out, decrypt, a three wi-fi passowords internet router, WPA2-PSK.

      One of them, the router is the same make and model as mine, AES Password 10-digit certainly be numbers and letters, or even just numbers, as in my case, and is installed downstairs, 15 m away from my laptop . (Win7 x64 Pack1 - Intel Centrino Advanced N6205 Adapter Driver from 11/17/2014)

      The other two also installed downstairs, but 70 meters away, and I do not know what the manufacturer or model of router as well.

      What all these routers have in common are the internet WPA2-PSK band.

      I'm a newbie regarding to these skills, "Sailor of first trip.”

      Command line is not a monster to me, but I prefer GUI tool.

      Wait to hear from you soon.

      Thanks in advance by your attention and, as is my hope, by your help as well.

  8. Hi it's me again. I forgot to tell you Pranchu, at my first msg to you here I meant, that the help which I ask you by, is exclusively by learn .
    The 3 routers which I already mentioned there, are the pilot cases, drill purpose.
    I hope that you’ll teach me over.
    Waiting to hear from you, soon.

  9. Thanks for this post but adding more detail will give a better understanding
    just like its showed in this post
    Cracking WPA2 wifi password
